10 Daily Activities That May be Hurting Your Back


6. You’re not the best eater


Research has shown that healthy eating habits improve not only the conditions of your heart and weight but also significantly contribute to a problem-free back. Research by Finnish scientists points out that people suffering from back pain have an increased risk of clogged spinal arteries than those with healthy conditions. “Healthy blood circulation provides the nutrients and disposes the wastes which make the spine operate more efficiently without complaint”, says Todd Sinett, “without proper circulation inflammation soon sets in, the chemicals that cause the inflammation can also stimulate nerve endings that send pain signals to the brain.

The Remedy: Consider beginning a back friendly diet to reduce the inflammation, says Todd Sinett’s book The Truth about Back Pain. The book describes a diet designed to nourish the back calling for a reduction in the amount of caffeine and processed foods (anything that has hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, words ending in –iose or additives ending in -iates or –ites and enriched wheat flour).

Additionally you should eat more whole grains, nuts and seeds, soy, protein, veggies and fruit.


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